Thursday, December 13

Close Call

So...I called Dad yesterday, just to say hi and everything, and in the midst of our conversation I ask him how Uncle Archie was doing

For those not in my family, our Uncle Archie got his leg amputated a month or two ago because of diabetes

This was one of those things you say that your not sure about what the other person is going to think or react, but knowing Dad, I figured he would take it light-heartily

When we were talking about Archie, Dad was saying that he lost a lot of weight and now only weighs about 115 or 120, probably the least he has ever weighed

And my brilliant remark was..."Well, a leg probably weighs at least 15 or 20 pounds"

Then we went on making jokes like "Well, that's one way to lose weight" and "How about cutting the other one off, cause I need to lose another 15 pounds" and so forth

I was a little hesitant to make that remark, cause I wasn't sure how Dad would react, but it turned out to be a pretty funny story

We, both, laughed pretty good, and Dad thinks that Archie will get a kick out of it

There's one of those things that you may regret saying immediately (like my other post earlier), but thankfully we have a cool, laid-back family

Peace picture for this post, I thought about putting one of an amputated leg, but that might be a little gross

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