Saturday, December 22

Here we go...

Were off to Denver...I wish we could have gone sooner, but this is still cool...I can't wait to hang out with everyone, especially Nate

I'll still try and get on and blog about whats going the snowboarding or hockey or any of the other cool stuff we do

Until then...Merry Christ-mas


Friday, December 21


I want to get to a point...where there is no point...

Let me explain...

In the shower yesterday, I got to thinking (I seem to do the best thinking there, for some reason)...Lately I've been trying to figure out where I need to get to have this awesome relationship with my Abba...For example...If I want to have this awesome relationship, I start thinking..."Well, if I do this and do this and get rid of that...then I'll have a good relationship with Him"

Then, in the shower I was thinking about all that

Why do I think there is a certain point?

Is there a certain point?

After pondering it for a while...I figured out that there shouldn't be a point

I want to be so in love with God to where that's all I focus on...not all the other things that fill my mind...

Of course I want to do a lot of amazing things for God and get rid of sin in my life...but I don't want that to be my focus...I want God to be my focus

Just my thoughts...


Thursday, December 20

Random Randomness...?

I like Josh's Random Randomness blogs...I wish I could think of a original name...anyways I'll try it out...
  • I'm really getting sick of the O key not working very good on my computer
  • Have you seen Drew Carey on the Price is Right yet? He's pretty bad...maybe they told him he can't be funny cause Bob Barker wasn't...he just looks really uncomfortable
  • I just finished chapter 6 of Plastic was probably my favorite chapter so was about the different levels of where our relationship is with God
  • We got Dad and Dane's x-mas presents in the mail yesterday...Thank you so much, Love you guys
  • I really love that our family is blogging...I just wish we'd all do it more...I'm slacking to though
  • I love that a lot of friends are too
  • I just watched Lost season 3 with Tedd over the last week...such an awesome show...I don't know how they do it so consistently, but they always keep it so intriguing
  • We watched the extras on the Lost DVD...A day in the production of was crazy to see people so happy to do their work and be so productive without any supervisors around
  • The Clapper commercial is on the TV right now...they haven't made a new commercial since this thing was invented...hahaha
  • I really hope the Running of the Bulls thing works out and Stevie and I can go...I have some friends that wanna go to
  • I really miss Louie, our last dog, he was the best dog ever (I know everyone says that about their dog), we had a good time
  • I can't wait to get to Denver
  • I wish I could hang out with Nathan more and play hockey with him all the time-toughen him up a little, jk he's pretty tough for his age
  • Who's everyone gonna vote for...I don't have a clue...I'll figure it out after the primaries
  • I suck at crosswords...I'm OK at Sudoku's...I'm really good at the comics
  • Our Abba (Father God) is awesome!!
  • Let's be "drunk" with God's grace


Tuesday, December 18


Got your actually does have something to do with this post

So...I've been reading a lot of this Plastic Jesus lately, I'll do another post later about some of the major things I've been learning from this book, about how we should be in our relationship with Jesus

But for right now I'm gonna focus on God's grace...which is talked about in chapter 5 of this book...and really been on my heart today the way the the O button is not working very good, so I might miss and o here and there

The author, Eric, defines grace as God's empowering presence in our life...I love that definition...Google defined it as under divine influence...I love that one too...Wikipedia says "without God's grace there are certain limitations, weakness, flaws, impurities, and faults humankind cannot overcome"

I talked to Josh a little bit about it today, I always thought that God's grace was something like forgiveness...I don't know why...I think cause Ephesians 2:8..."For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, but a gift from God."...I always interpreted that like God gave us grace by forgiving us cause of our faith

Josh explained it to me like it is something God gives us that we don't deserve...we don't deserve it...after reading all this, though, I think, it is something so much deeper

Going back to the definitions...being under divine influence...that really got me sounded like a DUI, but you would be drunk with God's I've never been drunk, but from what I know, people do things they normally wouldn't when they are drunk or under the influence of something...

So...when God gives YOU grace, he's empowering YOU, helping you accomplish things YOU couldn't do by yourself

It's like being drunk for God...doing things that you wouldn't be able to without Him, under His influence

That's gonna be in my prayers a lot...asking God to give me his grace (now that I know what it means-hahaha)


I hope this makes sense

Sunday, December 16


So...Josh got me excited about the book Plastic Jesus...hang on...wait a sec...did I just say that...let me rewind..."me excited about the book"...I don't know where that came from...

But, seriously...he talked a lot about it, so I thought I would read a little bit of is a really good book-well so far, at least...There's a lot of really good points the author makes about God and who we are in Him...

As soon as I gather my thoughts about everything he is saying...I'll tell you guys some of the awesome stuff I'm learning from it

Until then...


Another Blogger...

Tedd's blogging now...his our pretty long sometimes but definetly worth the read, if you know him check it out...if you don't you might still learn some stuff...good stuff.
