Saturday, February 21


Which one is your favorite?

I loved the elephant on for Tom Maior and their skeleton ones. Tom Maior was my favorite overall, although they weren't favored by the judeges. The judges ranked them in this order (I think...from off the top of my head):

1. Mancha Verde
2.Vila Maria
3. Rosas de Ouro
4. X-9 Paulista
5. Tom Maior
6. Nene de Vila Matilde
7. Peruche


Wendy said...

I didn't get to tell you earlier, but the Tom Maior one was my favorite. I loved the colors...the earth tones and the skeletons with machine guns. Really cool.

Anonymous said...

The favorite one is X-9 Paulista. I am amazed at how much color and time is put into the floats. Hope you are having a time of your life there!