Friday, July 25


Sorry...Josh commented that the last paragraph was confusing on my last post...

I'll try to explain it better, after all four of us were talking (the Jew, Mormon, Catholic, and me) we got back on the bus and I gave a quick history of the New Testement to my teacher Mr. Cohen (the Jew) and he wanted to read through some of it, so I opened it to John and he read for a while til we got off the bus. He knows the Old Testement very well, but never read the New Testement.

The other guy, Kamon (the Mormon), started reading though the book Crazy Love and seemed to like it, but we didn't have a chance to talk about it. Although later we talked about creation and stuff, we definetly had different views on that haha. But all in all it was good to learn a lot of knew stuff.

By the way...I finished Crazy Love today...awesome book, theres so much in it that I want to read it again, it'll get your mind thinking and wanting to show God the love he deserves

It's been awesome to have these conversations with everyone...hopefully there will be more


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