Sunday, December 16


So...Josh got me excited about the book Plastic Jesus...hang on...wait a sec...did I just say that...let me rewind..."me excited about the book"...I don't know where that came from...

But, seriously...he talked a lot about it, so I thought I would read a little bit of is a really good book-well so far, at least...There's a lot of really good points the author makes about God and who we are in Him...

As soon as I gather my thoughts about everything he is saying...I'll tell you guys some of the awesome stuff I'm learning from it

Until then...



Theophilus Rux said...

I had to rewind that tape a few times myself! :)

I'll be anxious to hear what you learn from the book; just from what I've seen of it, it looks very good.

Wendy said...

I would be interested to hear about it too. Maybe sometime when I'm on break from school I'll dive in! Stupid school!