We went snowboarding at A-Basin and it was soooo much fun...I can't wait to go again...and I'm thinking about buying my own stuff now
I finally learned the toe edge...it was crazy hard to figure out...it took quite a bit of crashing to learn it too
Now I can actually go down the mountain and carve instead of going back and forth on my heel edge
Anyways, I crashed really hard probably 10 times or so...but I guess that's how you learn..right??
My neck, shoulders, forearms, wrists, hands, chest, butt, thighs, calves, and ankles are all sore...but that's it
It was well worth it though, we got Nathan on video crashing on a jump (oh yeah I was actually jumping by the end of the day, I landed one, it felt like I was 3 feet in the air...but it was probably only 6 inches) the video is awesome...to Nathans credit he did land that jump the first time
Out of all the times I fell, I'm surprised, no one got at least one of them on video
I tweak my knee pretty bad on one fall...then smashed my ribs and lost my breath on another fall...other than that the rest my falls weren't bad at all
But...yeah...it was well worth all those falls...I think they actually made it more fun
I hope to go again soon
Yeah...that's me in the picture...Nose Grab
Is that really you?
No...I was just kidding. I wish it was.
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